Check Point R80 Manual Configuration File Retrieval
There are 8 main sections that will form your Check Point R80 configuration file following this guide.
Throughout this guide you will be taken through the steps to generate a manual configuration Json file from your Check Point R80 device. As well as this guide, there is also a Python script and an executable available to automate this process. It is highly recommended that one of these options is used to avoid human error – for more information, contact
The following pages provide an overview to running web requests and populating your configuration file with the response from your requests – to jump straight to the configuration retrieval steps, go here.
Running Requests
HTTP and HTTPS requests can be run in many ways – we recommend using Postman, a free tool for making requests to RESTAPI’s.
The following guide will take you through the steps for retrieving your Check Point R80 manual configuration using Postman by running various commands and populating our Json configuration schema.
All commands throughout this guide will use the address of your Check Point R80 device with /web_api appended to this to access certain parts of the Check Point Web API, e.g.
Where https:// is the connection method, is the address of your Check Point R80 device and :443 is the port to connect to.
As well as specifying the address and API to connect to, you will also be required to specify headers and a body for the request.
Request Headers
The first header that needs to be specified will remain the same throughout all requests in this guide – this is the ‘Content-Type’ header, which should always be set to ‘application/json’. This tells the request that the response we want to receive should be in Json format.
The second header that needs to be specified acts as a session authenticator to ensure you can continue to send successful requests to your Check Point R80 device – this is the “X-chkp-sid” header. Once the login request is sent, you will receive a response containing a “sid” key and value – copy this value. Any requests sent after this should add the header “X-chkp-sid” with the value previously copied.
Request Body
The request body will vary between requests being sent but will always be in Json format. If you are completing this guide using Postman, a request will only be successfully sent if the body contains valid Json.
Several requests that will be made throughout this guide have to specify a limit of objects returned by the device, this cannot exceed 500. When this is the case, it is important that each object is retrieved for Nipper to report accurately on your device. Any request body that contains the key “limit” is considered an object request limit body.
Code Snippet 1: Object request limit body example
"offset": 0,
"limit": 500,
"details-level": "standard"
When running a request with an object request limit body, the response will always contain information about how many objects have been returned, and how many there are in total.
Once the response from the original command has been saved to another file, go into Postman and edit the body.
This will involve changing the “offset” to the last object that was received – as the limit will always be set to 500, the offset should always be “500” when running a second command.
Code Snippet 3: Object request limit body second request
"offset": 500,
"limit": 500,
"details-level": "standard"
Once the body has been updated, the request can be sent again. This will now retrieve all objects from the 500th. In our example, we would not need to send any more requests for this command.
We have now received all 650 possible objects from the device configuration section we have been sending requests to, so do not need to send any more requests for this.
If after sending the second request, all the objects have not been retrieved, repeat the previous steps to save the response to a new file and keep sending requests, editing the body each time until all objects are received.
Combining saved responses
Once all the objects have been received for a request, the files that have each response in need to be combined.
Any request that has an object request limit body will have an “objects” array in its response.
Code Snippet 5: Second objects array
"objects": [
"object": "500"
"object": "501"
"object": "502"
"from": 500,
"to": 503,
"total": 503
For these arrays to be combined, all the objects need to be copied into one of the arrays from the relevant response. We recommend using the first response as this will usually contain the most objects already.
Copy the contents of the “objects” array into the first response saved, making sure there is a comma separating each new object added. The “from”, “to” and “total” keys do not need to be updated. For information on where to put this array in your configuration file, see here.
Code Snippet 6: Combined arrays
"object": "498"
"object": "499"
"object": "500"
"object": "501"
"object": "502"
"from": 1,
"to": 500,
"total": 503
Enabling Check Point Management API
In order to send API request to your Check Point R80 device, it is necessary to enable the management API – this can be done through SmartConsole following the instructions below.
Postman Example
Creating a new collection
In Postman, groups of requests are stored in collections. Create a new collection to store all your requests related to retrieving your configuration from your Check Point R80 device.
Once you have created your new collection, click the three dots, and go down to ‘Add Request’. This will prompt you with a menu allowing you to name the request – keep this name related to the request you are about to send.
Headers – the headers to attach to the request
Body – the body of the request
Type of request
Button to send the request once the URL, headers and body are populated
Address of Check Point R80 device to connect to
Highlighted are the key areas that will need to be used when following this guide.
As a default, all requests throughout this guide will be populated with these details. The request type is POST, the URL is the IP address and port of the Check Point R80 device to connect, with /web_api appended. The Content-Type header is added with the value application/json and the body is set to raw, Json.
Here is a look at what an example response from a request may look like once your request has received a response - in this case, this is the login request.
Each request instruction will detail steps to populate the provided Json schema with this Json repsponse
Populating your configuration file
In order to populate your configuration file with the response from each request you will need to copy data into the Json file schema provided.
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": ""
"response": {
"body": {
"key": ""
"titania-command-id": ""
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": ""
"response": {
"body": {
"key": ""
"titania-command-id": ""
There are three areas that need to be populated each time a new object is added – the “command”, with the area of the API the request is being sent to (this will be explained in each request instruction). For instance, a POST request to has a command of “example-command” and this is the value that will populate the “command”
The “body” object is populated from the return of the response. Responses will be returned in a Json object from Postman, e.g.
Only the actual content of the object should be copied into the “body” object of your configuration file, the leading and trailing curly braces should not be copied with this. With this example response, only the following should be copied –
Each object has a unique “titania-command-id”. This is used internally in Nipper and is very important to populate correctly – instructions for this will be detailed with each request instruction.
Code Snippet 10: Completed example
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": "example-command"
"response": {
"body": {
"key": "value",
"key2": "value"
"titania-command-id": "example command"
Following through the above examples should produce a configuration file.
Multiple Requests
Some sections of the configuration file will require multiple commands to be run in order to gather all the data needed for a given section. When this is the case, a new object should be added to the “request-response” array like so.
Code Snippet 11: Multiple requests example
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": "command-1"
"response": {
"body": {
"key": "value1"
"request": {
"command": "command-2"
"response": {
"body": {
"key": "value2"
"request": {
"command": "command-3"
"response": {
"body": {
"key": "value3"
"titania-command-id": "multiple commands"
Notice that each object has its own command, but the “request-response” array still only has one “titania-command-id” field after it.
Configuration Retrieval
1 - Login
Create a new POST request
Add ‘/login’ to the end of your address e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add a Json body with the username and password to connect with, e.g.
Once populated with your credentials, send the command and wait for the response
Once the response comes back with status code 200 (success), see the headers section for details of how to authenticate the remaining requests
No data from this request needs to be added to your configuration file.
2 - Retrieve login message
Create a new POST request
Add ‘show-login-message’ to the end of your address e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” authentication header
Add an empty Json body
Send the command and wait for the response
Once the response comes back with status code 200 (success)
Add a new Json object to your configuration file
Copy the contents of the response into the response “body” in your manual config
Place “show-login-message” into the request “command”
Place “login message” into the “titania-command-id”
Your configuration file should now contain the response from the request, e.g.
Code Snippet 14: Populated login message
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": "show-login-message"
"response": {
"body": {
"domain": {
"domain-type": "domain",
"name": "SMC User",
"uid": "41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde"
"header": "ATTENTION",
"message": "This is the login message.",
"show-message": true,
"type": "login-message",
"warning": true
"titania-command-id": "login message"
3 - Retrieve Filtering Rules
The filtering rules section requires multiple requests to be run in order to pull all the data required to generate a complete report in Nipper. Instructions for populating your configuration file with multiple requests and responses for the same command can be seen in the example.
Create a new POST request
Add ‘show-access-layers’ to the end of your address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add a new header with the key “X-chkp-sid”
Add a new Json body with the keys “offset”, “limit” and “details-level”, this is an object request limit body
Code Snippet 15: Object request limit body
"offset": 0,
"limit": 500,
"details-level": "standard"
Send the request and wait for the response
Follow the steps in this section to ensure all access layers are received.
Once all the access layers have been retrieved, place “show-access-layers” in the request “command”. Your configuration file should now be populated with all configured access layers, e.g.
Code Snippet 16: Example multiple layers
"request-response": [
"request": {
"command": "show-access-layers"
"response": {
"body": {
"access-layers": [
"domain": {
"domain-type": "domain",
"name": "SMC User",
"uid": "41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde"
"name": "Layer 1",
"type": "access-layer",
"uid": "b50d42a7-d1fe-4f8c-84a7-5d02f32c3010"
"domain": {
"domain-type": "domain",
"name": "SMC User",
"uid": "41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde"
"name": "Layer 2",
"type": "access-layer",
"uid": "e34d73a0-07fb-4152-9ed5-743d52aac93f"
"domain": {
"domain-type": "domain",
"name": "SMC User",
"uid": "41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde"
"name": "Layer 3",
"type": "access-layer",
"uid": "c0264a80-1832-4fce-8a90-d0849dc4ba33"
Retrieving information for each access layer
Once we have a complete list of all the configured access layers, we need to run an extra command for each layer in the list to get extra information.
These extra commands should be added to the same “request-response” array that has the previous command data in – an example of this can be seen here.
Go through the “access-layers” array that was populated with the previous requests and for each one, write the “name” in a separate file (this is not the “name” in the “domain” object). In the above example, this would give the list as: Layer1, Layer2, Layer3
Create a new POST request
Add show-access-rulebase to the end of your address e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add a new header with the key “X-chkp-sid”
Add a new Json body – this will use the names of the access layers that were received from the previous command –
Code Snippet 17: Example body
"offset": 0,
"limit": 500,
"name": "Layer 1",
"details-level": "standard",
"use-object-dictionary": true
Here is an example of what this request body should look like. “name” should be populated with a name from the list of access layer names generated earlier.
Send the request and wait for the response
The response from the request can be added as a new object in the configuration file in the same “request-response” array that is populated with the show-access-layers request. Further instructions are available here.
This process needs to be repeated for each access layer name that was found during the show-access-layers request and saved to a separate file. Each request and response for the individual access layer names should be a new object in the “request-response” array.
Once a request has been run for each access layer, “titania-command-id” can be set to “filter rules” below the “request-response” array.
3 – Retrieve NAT Rules
Create a new POST request
Add ‘show-nat-rulebase’ to the end of your address, e.g. https://192.1168.0.1:443/web_api/show-nat-rulebase
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add an object request limit body, e.g.
Code Snippet 18: Example body
"offset": 0,
"limit": 500,
"details-level": "full",
"use-object-dictionary": "true",
"package": "standard"
Send the command and wait for the response
Once the response is received, ensure all NAT rules have been returned, by following these examples
Add the response to your configuration file
Place “show-nat-rulesbase” in the request command
Place “nat rules” in “titania-command-id”.
4 – Retrieve Services
This section requires running multiple commands that are very similar in order to retrieve all the services configured on your Check Point R80 device, these commands are –
Add a new POST request
Add the first of the commands listed above to your device address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add an object request limit body, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
As this is an object request limit body, ensure all objects have been received with this example
Add a new object to the “request-response”. Populate the request command with the command just run, e.g. “show-services-tcp” and populate the response body with the response to the request.
Repeat this process for each command listed above.
Retrieving service groups
Add a new POST request
Add “show-service-groups” to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add an object request limit body, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response.
As this is an object request limit body, follow these examples to ensure all service groups are received
For this request, nothing needs to be added to the configuration file – save the response from this to a new file.
Retrieving information for each service group
For each of the service groups retrieved with the previous request, a request needs to be made to obtain more information on the service group. Each object in the “object” array of the previous command has a “uid” key – this will need to be used in the request body to get information for that group.
Add a new POST request
Add “show-service-group” to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
The body of this request should contain the UID of the first service group retrieved in the previous request. A request will need to be run for each service group retrieved.
Send the request and wait for the response
The response to this request can be added to the same “request-response” array that contains the information for each service, with the request command of “show-service-group”.
Repeat these steps until a request has been run for each service groups UID.
Once information for each service group has been received and written to your configuration file, add the “titania-command-id” of “services”
5 – Retrieve Network Objects
Various commands needed to be run in order to obtain all network objects configured on your Check Point R80 device. Each of these has an object request limit body, meaning it is possible that not every object is returned on the first request, see here for how to handle this.
List of commands –
Each of these commands specify a level of detail that should be returned in the response – this is set to “standard” for all commands, other than show-gateways-and-servers, which requires the details level to be set to “full”.
Add a new POST request
Add the first command from the list above to the address – “show-hosts”. E.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Each of these commands uses an object request limit body, e.g.
As previously mentioned, all the commands bar one use “standard” details level. The “show-gateways-and-servers” command should exchange “standard” for “full”.
Send the request and wait for the response.
Once the response comes back, it can be written to your configuration file as a new object in a “request-response” array. Each of these commands should be written to the same array with the request command as the command run, e.g. “show-hosts”.
This process should be repeated for each command as listed above.
Groups information
In the previous requests, the “show-groups” command was run. For us to get all the information we need for these network groups; an extra command needs to be run for each group retrieved.
Add a new POST request
Add “show-group” to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body, specifying the name of one of the groups returned in the previous “show-groups” request, e.g.
Each of these requests should use “standard” details level.
Send the request and wait for the response
Once the response is received, write this to a new object in the same “request-response” array that contains all previous commands in in the network objects section. Set the request “command” to “show-group
This process should be repeated until a request has been run for every group returned in the “show-groups” request, at which point the “titania-command-id” can be added with the value “network objects”.
6 – Retrieve IPS Settings
Retrieve Gateways
Add a new POST request
Add “show-simple-gateways” to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body to specify full details level, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
This response does not need to be written to the configuration file – instead look for the gateway that relates to the device you are connecting to (this will be the gateway that is configured with the same IP address that you are connecting to). We will need the “name” key of this gateway.
Retrieve Gateway Information
Add a new POST request
Add “show-simple-gateway” to the address
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body to specify which gateway to get information for, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
Add this response as a new object. Set the request command to “show-simple-gateway” and the “titania-command-id” to “show simple gateway”
The response body should be set to the response of the show-simple-gateway request
7 – Retrieve VPN Settings
In order to retrieve all VPN settings needed from your device, multiple commands are required. For examples on how to populate your configuration file with multiple commands, see here.
VPN Communities
Add a new POST request
Add show-vpn-communities-meshed to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add an object request limit body, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
As this is an object request limit body, there is a chance that not all objects are retrieved in the first request, see this example for how to ensure all objects are retrieved.
Once all of the objects are retrieved for this request, save the response to a new file and run the same request will need to be run, replacing “show-vpn-communities-meshed” with “show-vpn-communities-star”
Once both the show-vpn-communitites-meshed and show-vpn-communities-star combine the “objects” array of each request into one.
VPN Objects
Add a new POST request
Add show-generic-object to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body, specifying the UID of the first object in the combined “objects” array retrieved in the previous request, e.g.
Code Snippet 27: Example body
"uid": "cbfed2ed-04d7-49b7-950c-a182d872fca8",
"details-level": "full"
Send the request and wait for the response
Write the response to a new file and continue running these requests until one has been run for each object UID in the “objects” list generated in the VPN Communities section.
Once all the VPN objects have been retrieved, they should each be placed in your configuration file as a new object in the “request-response” array with the request command of “show-generic-object”. For examples of how to do this, see here.
Retrieve Remote Access VPN Settings
Due to limitations with Check Points management API, the previous commands to not give us any information on the RemoteAccess VPN – we must run a further command to get this.
Add a new POST request
Add show-generic-objects to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body specifying the name of the RemoteAccess VPN and the details level, this should look like this –
"name": "RemoteAccess",
"details-level": "full"
Send the request and wait for the response
Once the response is received, this can be added as a new object to the “request-response” array that was populated as part of retrieving VPN objects with the request command of “show-generic-objects”.
Retrieve Diffie-Hellman group
In order to retrieve information on the Diffie-Hellman group that each VPN has configured, traverse through the responses received as part of VPN Objects and Remote Access VPN subsection and look for the “ikeP1” and “ikeP2” objects. In the ikeP1 object, there will be a “ikeP1DhGrp” key – the value of this (which should be a UID) should be written to a new file and saved. In the ikeP2 object, there will be a “ikeP2PfsDhGrp” key – the value of this (which should also be a UID) should be written to the same file and saved.
Once these values have been retrieved for each object, go through the list and remove any duplicates – this will prevent us adding unnecessary extra information to the configuration file.
Add a post request
Add show-generic-object to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add a Json body specifying the uid of the object to retrieve (this is from the list generated earlier in this subsection) and the details level required – this is full.
"uid": "cfbbb4d3-3ab1-4aff-844c-e31044490eec",
"details-level": "full"
Send the request and wait for the response
Each response to this request can be added as a new object to the “request-response” array with the request command of “show-generic-object”. This request should be repeated for every UID in the file written at the start of this subsection.
Retrieve Gateway Information
Instructions for retrieving configured gateways can be seen at the beginning of the IPS settings section. This request can be run the same, other than the Json body, which can be changed to have standard details.
Once this request has run, it can be added to the same “request-response” array populated in this section with the command “show-simple-gateways”.
This section is now complete and a titania-command-id with value “VPN” can be added to your configuration file below the “request-response” array.
8 – Retrieve Users
The command to retrieve user information requires logging in to the system data domain of your device. As part of this process, it is necessary to logout of the current session as to not leave a hanging connection on the device.
Add a new POST request
Add “logout” to the address
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header
Add an empty Json body, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
If this request is successful, the “X-chkp-sid” value will no longer be valid.
System Data Login
Add a new POST request
Add “login” to the address
Add the Content-Type header
Add a Json body specifying the credentials and domain to log into, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
The response to this request will look very similar to the original login request. Copy the “sid” value – this is once again the new “X-chkp-header”, see here for details.
Retrieving Users
Add a new POST request
Add “show-administrators” to the address, e.g.
Add the Content-Type header
Add the “X-chkp-sid” header with the new value copied from the previous request
Add an empty Json body, e.g.
Send the request and wait for the response
Add the response from this request to a new object. Set the request command to “show-administrators”, the response body to the response of this request and add a titania-command-id of “show administrators”