WatchGuard XTM and M Series Devices
The procedure for extracting configurations from WatchGuard XTM and M Series devices can be done through the Web interface provided by WatchGuard, or through the CLI of the WatchGuard device.
Web Interface
Using a web browser of your choice navigate the configured IP of the WatchGuard XTM device. Use these steps provided to retrieve the configuration of the WatchGuard device:
Logon using the administration username and password.
Select the System option from the menu on the left of the page.
In the drop down below the System option click Configuration File.
From here click the Download the Configuration File option.
You will be asked to save or open an .xml.gz file, choose to save the file.
Using a program such as 7zip open the file and extract the .xml file from here and place it in a location of your choice.
Now take this .xml file and add it into Nipper using the Add File option and the configuration will be ready to be audited.
Connect to the CLI of the device using a program such as Putty.
When connected, login using the administration username and password.
From here the configuration can be exported to either an FTP or TFTP server, this can be done with the following commands
Copyexport config to ftp://(IP Address)
Copyexport config to tftp://(IP Address)
You may be asked to enter a username and password for the desired server.
You will now be able to retrieve the saved XML file from the server and add this into Nipperto be audited.