Juniper JunOS Devices
This guide applies to all devices running Juniper JunOS and JunOSe. This includes Juniper routers, switches, firewalls and Dell J-series devices both physical and virtual.
There are several different methods of extracting the configuration from your Juniper JunOS device and this guide outlines three different methods.
Using HTTP(S)
We would recommend using HTTPS rather than HTTP for transferring your devices configuration as the latter provides no encryption. The procedure for getting the configuration from the device using HTTP(S) is as follows:
Using your favorite web browser, connect to the HTTP(S) service provided by your Juniper JunOS device for remote management. You can do this by entering "https://" (recommended) or "http://" followed by your devices IP address.
Logon using your administration username and password.
Select the Maintain tab at the top of the view, and then select the Config Management tab on the right and then History.
Click the Download button of the Current configuration in the number column to save the configuration to a local file.
Using SSH, Telnet Or The Console
For this procedure you will be using the Command Line Interface (CLI) of your Juniper JunOS device using an SSH client (such as OpenSSH or Putty), Telnet or through the console port. We would recommend using either SSH (for remote connections) or using a direct connection to the console port. Telnet provides no encryption of the communications and therefore your authentication credentials and configuration would be vulnerable if a malicious user were to monitor your connection.
Connect to the Juniper JunOS using your favorite SSH client, Telnet or a direct console connection.
Logon using your administration authentication credentials.
Execute the following command:
Execute the following CLI command and capture the output (possibly using the cut and paste facility):
Copyshow configuration | no-more
Retrieving Default Applications
Default Applications on JunOS devices are actually stored separately to the main configuration file. If these applications are referenced in the main configuration, they may be flagged as undefined. If you wish to have these shown as part of your report you can retrieve them and add them to your main configuration file.
Connect to the Juniper JunOS using your favorite SSH client, Telnet or a direct console connection.
Logon using your administration authentication credentials.
Execute the following command:
Execute the following CLI command and capture the output (possibly using the cut and paste facility):
Copyshow configuration groups junos-defaults applications
Then add this data to the main configuration.